On the way to a skinny me

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm reading a very interesting book right now, called The Power of Full Engagement.  I'm not in very far, about 5 chapters I'd say.  The main premise is that our lives are made up of 4 basic "pillars" if you will:  Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual, and that we need to feed all four areas.  (reminiscent of Steven Covey, yes?)  If any of these four areas is neglected, the whole person suffers.  This tends to bring on detachment and illness, both spiritual and physical.  Things like depression, diabetes, gastric issues, even death.  As I said, I'm not in very far, but enough to know that this is what has been ailing me all these years.  I've let my physical and spiritual lives go just trying to keep our heads above water financially ever since the divorce.

Its time to become a whole person again.  I'll keep you posted.

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